Case Study: Employee Recognition at Goodwill San Antonio
Customer Ambassador Program Helps Non-profit Retailer Highlight Employee Achievement
While they already had two of the top Net Promoter Scores (NPS) in the country, Goodwill San Antonio sought to put its mission intoaction across 23 stores by improving in-person customer experiences. Our Customer Ambassador Program (CAP) allowed them to capture honest, actionable feedback that drove customer satisfaction up, drove employee turnover down, improved morale and ultimatelycontributed to a 15% increase in revenue.
The Challenge
Goodwill San Antonio was experiencing a drop in customer satisfaction as well as growing employee turnover rates across its stores. They needed a way to receive open-ended customer feedback that could empower their teams to improve their performance, creating a more positive environment for both employees and customers.
The Solution
Knowing that recognition for creating positive customer experiences was one of the best ways to motivate employee performance, we implemented our proprietary CAP solution so that Goodwill could capture authentic, actionable feedback from customers. It didn’t just help drive constructive employee feedback: in open-ended questions, 65% of customers mentioned an employee by name in relation to a delightful experience!
The Result
In just one year, Goodwill San Antonio raised their Net PromoterScore (NPS) by 9%, coming in more than 30 points above the retail average, and increased their Customer Satisfaction Score by 29 basis points, a 1.5% improvement over the previous year.
On average, Goodwill San Antonio now receives 44 surveys per month per store, and have received more than 19,000 completed surveys across 23 locations in the San Antonio metro area, with 15,000+ marketing opt-ins.
The Ongoing Impact of CAP
“ACL’s Customer Ambassador Program not only boosted our employee morale and customer satisfaction, but also our revenue. The program empowers our employees to meet our audience in a new way, and gives us unique insight into their expectations — ultimately giving us the power to surprise and delight at every interaction.”
– Mark Hanes, Training & Optimization Manager, Goodwill SanAntonio