Media Inquiries

Chris Gillen, CX Futurist and AI Thought Leader

Chris Gillen
CEO | CX Futurist | Speaker | Mentor

As the CEO — and co-owner — of A Closer Look, I lead a company that provides clients of all industries with robust data about their first-hand customer experiences, so they can provide a brand-loyalty building experience to everyone who interacts with their brand.

My experience in helping businesses iterate and improve their customer experience spans nearly three decades, including various leadership positions in retail companies known for phenomenal brand loyalty.

I welcome media inquiries, keynote/presentation requests and podcast opportunities on any of the following topics:

Media Contact:

For media inquiries, interviews, or any further information, please contact:

Jennifer Ryley

Head of Marketing

Facts About A Closer Look

  • Founded in 1996
  • Location: 2100 Westshore Drive #114 Cumming, GA 30041
  • Services
    • Customer Ambassador Program: An innovative SMS-based solution that provides companies with real-time feedback from consumers while they interact with the brand, regardless of purchase.
    • Mystery Shopping: Thorough evaluations of a brand’s customer experience, including detailed write-ups and images, customized to the brand’s desired questions and areas of focus.
    • Market Analysis: Detailed market research to help brands evaluate their position and competitiveness in their market, including geographical data relevant for business expansion needs.
    • Market Care: Ready-to-use market insights for Senior Living, Market Care eliminates the need for manual competitive intelligence gathering so sales staff can stay focused on revenue growth.



Recent Thought Leadership

Mystery shopper dining at a casual restaurant
The Hidden Truths: What Brands Need to Know About Mystery Shopping Partners
Today’s brands seem to have forgotten that understanding your customers' experiences is crucial for success. The sheer number of negative reviews seen on social media, or the increasing instances of customers walking into a retail ...
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Feeling the Heat: Five factors shaping the future of the US economy.
As we navigate 2024, five significant trends are reshaping the US economy: persistent inflation, demographic shifts, evolving work attitudes, changing social media dynamics, and the pervasive influence of AI. Our latest analysis unpacks these critical ...
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New study reveals 81% of shoppers can't find products
Out of Sight, Out of Mind: The Hidden Cost of Empty Shelves and Broken Displays
What happens when a customer can't find what they're looking for on store shelves? In today's competitive retail landscape, product availability and functional in-store displays are crucial elements that can make or break a sale. ...
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Recent Podcast Features

Syndeo Podcast E15: Enhancing Brand Loyalty and Customer Experience with Chris Gillen – Part 1

Chris introduces his formula for success, AI + HEI (Artificial Intelligence plus Human Emotional Intelligence), emphasising the importance of blending technology with human touch to enhance customer experiences.

Syndeo Podcast E16: Navigating AI’s Phases of Adoption and its Future Impact with Chris Gillen – Part 2

Chris discusses challenges in adapting to technology, the need for an AI roadmap, and balancing innovation with human emotional intelligence, emphasizing education and transparency regarding AI’s impact on jobs and customer experience.

Copyright and Media Usage Guidelines

To ensure proper credit and accurate representation when paraphrasing, quoting, or using the intellectual property of A Closer Look and its contacts in media articles, we kindly request that the following guidelines be followed:

Attribution: When referencing A Closer Look or Chris Gillen in your media article, please provide clear and prominent attribution by including their full name, title, and the company name (“A Closer Look” or “Chris Gillen, CEO of A Closer Look”) in the appropriate context.

Paraphrasing and Quoting: When paraphrasing or quoting statements made by Chris Gillen or any representatives of A Closer Look, please ensure accuracy and context. Please clearly indicate the source of the information and provide proper attribution.

Intellectual Property: Any use of intellectual property, such as logos, images, or written content owned by A Closer Look or its employees, should be accompanied by proper credit and authorization. Prior permission should be sought for the use of such materials.

Fact-Checking: We kindly request that journalists fact-check any information related to A Closer Look before publishing. For accuracy and integrity, we encourage reaching out to our media contact provided below for any clarifications or additional information.

By adhering to these guidelines, you ensure accurate representation and the proper recognition of A Closer Look and its contacts in your media articles. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you.

Note: These guidelines are subject to change, and it is the responsibility of journalists to regularly check for updates and revisions.