Six Ways Mystery Shopping Is Reinventing Seasonal Gig Work
This holiday season, there is one thing on everyone’s mind. Unfortunately, it’s not Santa. For many people, it’s money. This is a challenging year for a lot of people. Not just physically and mentally but also economically. The unemployment rate is at 7.9 percent, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Meaning a lot of people are still looking for ways to generate extra cash. It does not help that Glassdoor reports that, “Seasonal and retail job openings are each down 8 percent year-over-year, a sign that the pandemic is muting hiring demand as customers and businesses alike adjust holiday plans.” As customers and businesses pivot, it is best to reinvent your seasonal gig work too. Luckily, mystery shopping is your solution to keep your holidays jolly while generating cash flow.
1. It’s Flexible. Make Extra Cash Without Sacrificing Family Time
2. Save Money While Making Money
Becoming a Mystery Shopper is perfect for those looking to make a little extra cash. Every year it seems the holiday season gets more and more costly. In fact, the two months of the holiday season make up for a third of most businesses’ yearly revenue, according to the Washington Post and the Census Bureau.
3. Seasonal Work Reimagined: In Fact, Mystery Shopping Doesn’t End in January
4. Give Back to Your Community
5. Build Your Influence in The Network Economy
When you mystery shop, you are simultaneously building your independent network with other businesses. When you create your influence with other brands in a network economy, you and the other business perform better. According to Forbes, when performers feel more connected, they perform better, “Small world networks are very powerful because they manage information incredibly well. In effect, they shrink distance, so connections feel very local, but also scale globally.” So, when you help out another business by providing valuable feedback, you are actually making a more significant impact than you could have ever imagined.